Call for Submissions

Versions of … is a translation journal. We are seeking work in translation that is either innovative and experimental in the techniques employed by the translator, or avant-garde and daring in its original form—which presents the translator with challenges that often yield avant-garde translations. We want translations from translators who can recognize their own voice and are not afraid to let it come through. We want mostly poetry, but there are some exceptions, such as prose poetry or short, poetic prose pieces. Submit 3 to 6 poems in both the original language and English, and include the appropriate permissions. Provide a very brief bio, and, if you are so inclined, include a brief statement on your translation techniques and philosophies, and notes pertaining to interesting aspects of the text, problems, and strategies.

The deadline for the Spring 2012 issue is March 1, 2012.

Send all material as an attachment to:

versions.of.journal [at] gmail [dot] com

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